Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Totally Exciting Update

Sorry, that title was a lie just to draw you in. The last week probably couldn't have been more boring. But that's okay every now and then. It helps save me money AND save me from potentially embarrassing photographs to be used against me later on in life.

There really is very little to tell of the last week. We had another grueling session of classes - another 18 hours in the most uncomfortable seats imaginable. Seriously, I am considering contacting the United Nations about the inhumane treatment caused by this particular classroom. I've griped about how it seems the seats weren't designed with human beings in mind before, but even then it wasn't when I had to spend eight hours on a Monday (starting at 8am, of course) in those seats. Ugh. Some of us have taken to bringing cushions to class to soothe sore bottoms. I just wad up my coat and lean back against it for some back support. My butt is big enough to mitigate the annoyance of sitting in place for eight hours - but the awkward angle destroys my back.

Anyway, enough with the complaining. Why am I still bringing a coat to class? Well, Bologna isn't Phoenix, that's for sure. Although I know it's been a relatively cold and wet winter back home, that still doesn't help me cope with the bipolar weather system that encompasses Bologna. Spring has been trying to break out for a little while now. We've had a few days where it was 60*F and sunny, but those are interwoven with cold clammy days like today. The weather report says it is supposed to snow again this weekend! I threatened to fly back home if that is the case, and I was only half joking. Apparently, they've had snow as late as April here before. To quote my favorite Fred Savage/Cary Elwes 80s movie: "INCONCEIVABLE!" 20 bonus points if you know the movie.

Last Wednesday, after classes were done for the week, a few of us grabbed some beers from the local convenience store and ordered some pizzas while watching a hyped-up soccer match between Inter Milan and Manchester. The game was kind of a big deal here in Italy. It was kind of fun getting to watch soccer in its 'natural habitat', as it were. But it definitely didn't make it any more exciting. I don't have anything against soccer - I like to catch the World Cup games and UEFA matches when they air every few years. But still, nothing beats a good ol' skull-crushing American football game.

I really didn't do much at all over the past weekend. This weekend could be hit or miss, depending on the weather. There is talk of organizing either a squash match or a basketball game, but with the predictions of snow again (gag!) I doubt either will happen. Since Italians are so fond of striking, I think I will organize a protest against the weather if that actually happens.

Here is a little gem of a picture I took while on a short break from classes the other day:

As far as I can tell from this photographic evidence, OSHA doesn't exist in Italy. That's a guy balancing on a ladder while hanging out a window using a power tool about seven stories up in the air. I could not stop laughing when I saw it, and my Italian friends couldn't understand why. Cultural differences! Ciao for now, hopefully I will have something more exciting to blog about next week.
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1 comment:

  1. The Princess Bride!

    Wish we could send you some sunshine darlin'

    Love, Moogie
