Thursday, December 3, 2009

Midweek Update

Ciao a tutti!

Today was another one of those odd days when it just seems like one strange thing after another happens, so I felt it necessary to make a note of it for all to enjoy.

Starting off the day would be reason #639 why I love Italy; I am actually fairly tall here. Getting on the bus today, I was the tallest person. By at LEAST a head. And it was full. In fact I literally thought for a moment that there might be some kind of little-person convention going on somewhere and everyone was headed there, but it was just random chance that there wasn't anyone else as tall as me. (Alright, there was ONE girl, but she was African and she came up to about my eyes, so it doesn't count!)

After class today, I decided to have a little walk around to see the Christmas-y stuff that is going up everywhere. When I got to the main square, there was a crowd that had gathered and some people that seemed to be arguing. As I got closer, I realized it was a real live soapbox debate! *Literally*, they had a little stool, and when one person wanted to make a point, they got up on it and talked! I couldn't believe it. I'm not sure what they were talking about, because I didn't stick around long enough to find out.

On the walk back home, I passed by another crowd of about five people looking at something, talking excitedly, and exchanging money. Turns out there was a shell game going on! You know, that game where they hide a pea or a little ball under some cups and shuffle them around really quick. I didn't stop to watch here either, cuz I know it's a scam, but still it is kind of quaint to see it right out in the open on the main drag.

Just another day in Bologna!
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1 comment:

  1. Belated Happy Thanksgiving and Early Merry Christmas!

    I, too, missed Thanksgiving with a bug, but your folks sent a care package which I appreciated. Finally,caught up with your blog. Great you have so many friends to fill the time!
    We're having a cold (50-60ยบ highs)week with rain forecast tomorrow and the next day. A bit dreary, but badly needed.

    If you can get peanuts in Bologna, Peanut Butter
    is not hard to make:

    2 c. dry roasted peanuts
    1-2 tbsp. oil peanut or vegetable oil
    Salt; optional
    Put 1 cup peanuts into the jar of a blender. Cover jar and blend peanuts at medium speed for about 10 seconds. Turn off blender and remove lid. Scrape sides of blender. Add oil to peanuts. Cover blender and blend peanut mixture until smooth. Scrape peanut mixture into a mixing bowl. Repeat with remaining cup of peanuts. Combine both batches of peanut butter and taste. If necessary, add a little salt. Put peanut in glass jar. Cover jar and refrigerate. Keep refrigerated and use quickly.

    Bon Appetit!

    LOVE YOU!!!

