Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays

HappyMerry ChrismaHanaKwanzikah gentle readers! Even though there are some grinches out there, I hope every one of you is succeeding in having a great holiday season. From what I hear back home, this Christmas is a little somber, much like the last one. Despite all of the bad news and obstacles we encounter, I hope everyone is keeping their heads up and getting into the holiday spirit. I know I am.

Speaking of which, I've suffered a bit of a setback today. I had my whole financial situation for this trip planned out meticulously, and today I found out that the bank closed my completely unused personal line of credit account. I spent a ton of time on the phone today (Skype is a miracle!) trying to see if I could get it reopened, as I was planning on using those funds to pay for a year of tuition. But no dice, because of the general economic condition and the fact that I can't legally work here means I have no income. I'm pretty upset about it, but it is probably not even the biggest obstacle I've had to overcome in getting to this point, so I am confident that I can figure something out. In any case, it looks like it's bargain bin pasta from here on out! Ah, the life of a starving student - I really did kind of miss it.

My plans for going to Rome for Christmas are still on schedule. The snow here is melting (and turning the sidewalks into an icy hazard - good thing I have a big ass and a hard head) so I am not anticipating any bad luck with the trains, although trying to get one booked was a huge hassle - which is a recurring pattern here, to say the least. But when something really works, it is beautiful. Anyways, I look forward to spending four days there in Rome. The weather there is considerably warmer than here (around the 50-60F range, as opposed to snow and ice here) and I've got a lot of things planned out that I'd like to see. Plus I'm about 99.99% sure that the people I'm meeting up with and I will have a good time and possibly paint the town several shades of red. I also plan on taking lots of pics, so look out for another big post when I return!

Happy holidays!

And enjoy some pics from our Christmas Party...

Misbehaving, as usual

What a nice picture... mostly because I'm not in it

The infamous snow-bump incident of 2009

Pumpkin pie takes Italy by storm!

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