Well, I'm back in LA for the 4th time. I found out yesterday morning that I'd been approved for the visa (thank GOD), so I made the trip back here to pick it up (I had to leave my passport at the Consulate as part of the application process). Also, I get to hang out with Logan, Lane, and their kids (2 boxers and 3 cats) for the last time, until they come visit me in Italy that is.
So now that this final step is in place, it's official; next Tuesday morning, the 23rd, I am on a plane out of Sky Harbor bound for Bologna by way of Chicago and Frankfurt. I have to chuckle to myself a little bit, because honestly I don't know how I pulled this off! A lot of help and support from my family and friends is the answer.
Having said that, I'd like to give a few shout outs:
-Again, to my family and friends, for all the support they've given me as I pursued this crazy dream.
-To my bosses and coworkers, who were EXTREMELY flexible with me throughout the whole process
-To Logan and Lane, for opening their home to me many times so that I wouldn't have to stay in a hotel or make turnaround trips
-To Kevin, because there was that one time after our Vietnam class sophomore year when we were walking down Palm Walk; it was SO hot, and there was a guy giving out free soda and pizza for applying for a credit card - we took one look at each other and decided it was worth it just for the soda. And without that credit card (which was raised to a ginormous limit back when the economy wasn't in shambles), this trip would not be possible! Life's funny, huh?
-Specifically, to Mom and Dad, without whom I could not even dream of doing this. Not only because without them, I wouldn't exist - but because they have always supported me 110% in everything I've wanted to do: emotionally, financially, and even when I just needed to borrow the damn car. Thanks guys.
Of course there are lots of people out there that I owe a lot to, but I just wanted to give a quick shout out while I had this all on my mind. I truly hope all of you, my family and friends, will be able to come visit me in Italy while I'm there so that I can return the favor of your support!
I have one week left here in the good ol' US of A before I will be parting for 2 years. A week is not even enough time to do everything that needs to be done before I leave, much less see everyone that I'd like to see before I go. If for some reason we don't get to do that lunch, or meet for that drink, or whatever it is, believe me I will miss you just the same; so take it as an opportunity to come join me for that drink in Italy!
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